Package 'net4pg'

Title: Handle Ambiguity of Protein Identifications from Shotgun Proteomics
Description: In shotgun proteomics, shared peptides (i.e., peptides that might originate from different proteins sharing homology, from different proteoforms due to alternative mRNA splicing, post-translational modifications, proteolytic cleavages, and/or allelic variants) represent a major source of ambiguity in protein identifications. The 'net4pg' package allows to assess and handle ambiguity of protein identifications. It implements methods for two main applications. First, it allows to represent and quantify ambiguity of protein identifications by means of graph connected components (CCs). In graph theory, CCs are defined as the largest subgraphs in which any two vertices are connected to each other by a path and not connected to any other of the vertices in the supergraph. Here, proteins sharing one or more peptides are thus gathered in the same CC (multi-protein CC), while unambiguous protein identifications constitute CCs with a single protein vertex (single-protein CCs). Therefore, the proportion of single-protein CCs and the size of multi-protein CCs can be used to measure the level of ambiguity of protein identifications. The package implements a strategy to efficiently calculate graph connected components on large datasets and allows to visually inspect them. Secondly, the 'net4pg' package allows to exploit the increasing availability of matched transcriptomic and proteomic datasets to reduce ambiguity of protein identifications. More precisely, it implement a transcriptome-based filtering strategy fundamentally consisting in the removal of those proteins whose corresponding transcript is not expressed in the sample-matched transcriptome. The underlying assumption is that, according to the central dogma of biology, there can be no proteins without the corresponding transcript. Most importantly, the package allows to visually inspect the effect of the filtering on protein identifications and quantify ambiguity before and after filtering by means of graph connected components. As such, it constitutes a reproducible and transparent method to exploit transcriptome information to enhance protein identifications. All methods implemented in the 'net4pg' package are fully described in Fancello and Burger (2022) <doi:10.1186/s13059-022-02701-2>.
Authors: Laura Fancello [aut, cre] , Thomas Burger [aut, ctb]
Maintainer: Laura Fancello <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-02-27 03:16:30 UTC

Help Index

Get peptides and peptide-to-protein mappings for each connected component


Get peptides and peptide-to-protein mappings for each connected component. For each connected component, first extract its protein members; then, extract all specific and shared peptides mapping on those protein; finally, extract the subset of incidence matrix representing peptide-to-protein mappings.


cc_composition(cc.proteins, incM)



a list of vectors (one for each connected component), each enumerating the proteins members of a connected component.


a logical matrix containing the incidence matrix with its column and row names (respectively, protein and peptide identifiers) names and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


a list of two elements: i. a list of vectors (one for each connected component) enumerating peptides mapping on protein members of each connected component; ii. a list of matrices or vectors (one for each connected component) representing peptide-to-protein mappings for each connected component; matrices are used if multiple peptides identify protein members of that connected component, vectors if only a single peptide.


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing the proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename = incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename = colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename = rownames_filename)
# Only retain proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides
# mapping on such proteins.
incM_reduced <- reduce_inc_matrix(incM)
# Generate adjacency matrix describing protein-to-protein mappings
adjM <- get_adj_matrix(incM_reduced)
# Generate graph of protein-to-protein connections and calculate its
# connected component
multProteinCC <- get_cc(adjM)
# For each connected component, extract peptides mapping on its protein
# members and the subset of the incidence matrix describing peptide-to-protein
# mapping
cc.peptides.incM <- cc_composition(cc.proteins = multProteinCC$cc
                                  , incM = incM)

Provide statistics on the CCs size


Provides the CC size distribution, which is the number of CCs including a given number of protein members, and the proportion of single- vs multi-protein CCs.


cc_stats(incM, cc.proteins, reducedIncM)



a logical matrix containing the incidence matrix with its column and row names (respectively, protein and peptide identifiers) names and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


a list of vectors (one for each connected component), each enumerating the proteins members of a connected component.


a logical value indicating if the input matrix is the original complete incidence matrix or a reduced version of it which only contains proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides mapping on such proteins (generated by the reduce_inc_matrix function.


a list of four outputs: i. a vector containing all those proteins which belong to single-protein connected component (each protein is a single-protein connected component); ii. an integer representing the number of single-protein CCs; iii. an integer representing the number of multi-protein CCs; iv. a data.frame describing size distribution of connected components (number of connected components per number of protein members)


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing he proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename = incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename = colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename = rownames_filename)
# Only retain proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides
# mapping on such proteins.
incM_reduced <- reduce_inc_matrix(incM)
# Generate adjacency matrix describing protein-to-protein mappings
adjM <- get_adj_matrix(incM_reduced)
# Generate graph of protein-to-protein connections and calculate its
# connected components
multProteinCC <- get_cc(adjM)
# CCs size and percentage of single-vs multi-protein CCs
CCstatsOut <- cc_stats(incM = incM_reduced
                      , cc.proteins = multProteinCC$ccs
                      , reducedIncM = TRUE)

Generate adjacency matrix


Generate an adjacency matrix representing protein-to-protein connections, based on shared peptides. It is generated by cross product of the incidence matrix of peptide-to-protein mappings.





a logical matrix containing the incidence matrix with its column and row names (respectively, protein and peptide identifiers) names and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


a numeric matrix containing the adjacency matrix, with value >0 or 0 indicating whether or not two proteins are identified by shared peptide(s)


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing he proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename=incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename=colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename=rownames_filename)
# Only retain proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides
# mapping on such proteins.
incM_reduced <- reduce_inc_matrix(incM)
# Generate adjacency matrix describing protein-to-protein mappings
adjM <- get_adj_matrix(incM_reduced)

Generate graph and calculate its connected components


Build a graph of protein-to-protein connections from adjacency matrix and calculate its connected components.





a numerical matrix containing the adjacency matrix, with value >0 or 0 indicating whether or not two proteins are identified by shared peptide(s)


a list of two elements: i. a graph representing protein-to-protein connections encoded by the adjacency matrix; ii. a list of vectors (one for each connected component) enumerating protein members of each connected component.


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing he proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename=incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename=colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename=rownames_filename)
# Only retain proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides
# mapping on such proteins.
incM_reduced <- reduce_inc_matrix(incM)
# Generate adjacency matrix describing protein-to-protein mappings
adjM <- get_adj_matrix(incM_reduced)
# Generate graph of protein-to-protein connections and calculate its
# connected components
multProteinCC <- get_cc(adjM)

Calculate percentage of shared vs specific peptides


Read in input the incidence matrix of peptide-to-protein mappings generated from valid proteomic identifications





a logical matrix containing the incidence matrix with its column and row names (respectively, protein and peptide identifiers) and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


a list of three elements: i. number of shared peptides; ii. number of specific peptides; iii. percentage of specific peptides


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing he proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename = incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename = colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename = rownames_filename)
# Calculate percentage of shared vs specific peptides
peptideStatsOut <- peptide_stats(incM = incM)

Plot peptide-to-protein mapping graph


Plot a bipartite subgraph representing the connected component to which the user-selected protein belongs. Peptide-to-protein mappings of that protein and of all other proteins belonging to the same CC are represented. The function takes in input a single Ensembl protein identifier (i.e. ENSPXXX for human, ENSMUSPXXX for mouse), it identifies the connected component it belongs to and plots all peptide-to-protein mappings of that connected component.


plot_cc(prot, cc.proteins, cc.subincM, tagProt, tagContam, incM)



a character vector containing a single Ensembl identifier (i.e. ENSPXXXXXXXXXXX for human, ENSMUSPXXXXXXXXXXX for mouse) of the protein of interest.


a list of vectors (one for each connected component) containing protein members of each connected component.


a list of matrices or vectors (one for each connected component) representing the incidence matrix of peptide-to-protein mappings for each connected component; matrices are used if multiple peptides identify protein members of that connected component, vectors if only a single peptide.


a character vector reporting the prefix of protein identifiers (for non contaminant proteins)


a character vector reporting the tag which identifies contaminant proteins


a logical matrix containing the incidence matrix with its column and row names (respectively, protein and peptide identifiers) names and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


a list of four elements: i. CC identifier; ii. protein members of the CC; iii. peptide members of the CC; iv. bipartite subgraph representing peptide-to-protein mapping of that CC (if multi-protein CC)


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing he proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename = incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename = colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename = rownames_filename)
# Only retain proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides
# mapping on such proteins.
incM_reduced <- reduce_inc_matrix(incM)
# Generate adjacency matrix describing protein-to-protein mappings
adjM <- get_adj_matrix(incM_reduced)
# Generate graph of protein-to-protein connections and calculate its
# connected components
multProteinCC <- get_cc(adjM)
# For each connected component, extract peptides mapping on its protein
# members and the subset of the incidence matrix describing
# peptide-to-protein mappings
cc.peptides.incM <- cc_composition(cc.proteins = multProteinCC$cc
                                   , incM = incM)
# Plot bipartite graph representing peptide-to-protein mappings for the
# connected component of the protein of interest (in this toy example protein
# "ENSP261"; note that identifiers are not authentic but made up for the
# example)
subgraphCC <- plot_cc(prot="ENSP261"
        , cc.proteins=multProteinCC$ccs
        , cc.subincM=cc.peptides.incM$cc.subincM
        , tagProt = "ENSP"
        , tagContam="Contam"
        , incM=incM)
      , layout = layout_as_bipartite
      , edge.width = 1
      , edge.arrow.width = 0.3
      , vertex.size = 10
      , edge.arrow.size = 0.5
      , vertex.size2 = 3
      , vertex.label.cex = 0.8
      , asp = 0.35
      , margin = -0.1) +
title(paste0("Protein ENSP261 in CC #", subgraphCC$cc_id), line = -1)

Read incidence matrix of proteomic identifications


Read in input the incidence matrix of peptide-to-protein mappings generated from valid proteomic identifications.


read_inc_matrix(incM_filename, colnames_filename, rownames_filename)



the name of the tab-delimited file containing incidence matrix values; the input incidence matrix must contain along the columns protein identifiers and along the rows peptides; each cell must contain a 1 or 0 value indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


name of the file containing incidence matrix column names, which are protein identifiers. The file must contain one identifier per line. Protein identifiers must be in Ensembl format (i.e., ENSPXXXXXXXXXXX for human).


name of the file containing incidence matrix row names, which are peptide identifiers. The file must contain one identifier per line. Peptide identifiers can be in any format (i.e. numeric identifiers, amino acid sequences, ...)


a logical matrix containing the incidence matrix with its column and row names (respectively, protein and peptide identifiers) and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing he proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file( "extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename = incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename = colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename = rownames_filename)

Reduce size of incidence matrix for downstream analyses


Reduce the size of the incidence matrix describing peptide-to-protein mappings to ease downstream analyses. The original incidence matrix is reduced to only contain proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides mapping on such proteins. This means that only proteins ambiguously identified are retained, which is the most interesting ones when studying ambiguity of protein identifications.





a logical matrix containing the incidence matrix with its column and row names (respectively, protein and peptide identifiers) and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


a logical matrix containing a smaller incidence matrix (with column and row names respectively reporting protein and peptide identifiers) and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein. Only proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides mapping on such protein are reported in such reduced incidence matrix.


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing he proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename = incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename = colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename = rownames_filename)
# Only retain proteins with at least one shared peptide and all peptides
# mapping on such proteins.
incM_reduced <- reduce_inc_matrix(incM)

Perform transcriptome-informed post-hoc filtering


Implement the transcriptome-informed post-hoc filtering strategy. This strategy aims to reduce the ambiguity of protein identifications by exploiting sample-matched transcriptome information, when available. First, it takes in input the set of transcripts expressed in the sample-matched transcriptome (reported using the transcript identifier in Ensembl format, i.e., ENSTXXXX for human) and removes from proteomic identifications: i. all proteins with no expressed transcripts and peptides exclusively mapping on removed proteins ("all"); or ii. only those exclusively identified by shared peptides and peptides exclusively mapping on removed proteins ("sharedOnly"); or iii. only those exclusively identified by shared peptides, whose peptides are shared with at least one protein with expressed transcript, so they are not to be removed ("sharedNoRemove")





a logical matrix containing the incidence matrix with its column and row names (respectively, protein and peptide identifiers) and 0 or 1 values indicating whether or not the peptide maps on the corresponding protein.


the name of the file containing the set of transcripts expressed in the sample-matched transcriptome (one per line). Transcript identifiers must be in the Ensembl format (i.e., ENSTXXXXXXXXXXX for human)


the name of a tab-delimited file with protein identifiers in the first column and the corresponding transcript identifiers in the second column. Protein and transcript identifiers must be in the Ensembl format (i.e. ENSPXXXXXXXXXXX and ENSTXXXXXXXXXXX for human)


a character vector reporting the tag which identifies contaminant protein


character vector indicating whether to remove: i. all proteins with no expressed transcripts and peptides exclusively mapping on removed proteins ("all"); ii. only those exclusively identified by shared peptides and peptides exclusively mapping on removed proteins ("sharedOnly"); iii. only those exclusively identified by shared peptides, whose peptides are shared with at least one protein with expressed transcript, so they are not to be removed ("sharedNoRemove")


a matrix representing a filtered incidence matrix of peptide-to-protein mapping obtained by transcriptome-informed filtering.


Laura Fancello


# Read the tab-delimited file containing the proteome incidence matrix
incM_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                             , "incM_example"
                             , package = "net4pg"
                             , mustWork = TRUE)
rownames_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                                  , "peptideIDs_incM_example"
                                  , package = "net4pg"
                                  , mustWork = TRUE)
colnames_filename <- system.file("extdata"
                                 , "proteinIDs_incM_example"
                                 , package = "net4pg"
                                 , mustWork = TRUE)
incM <- read_inc_matrix(incM_filename = incM_filename
                 , colnames_filename = colnames_filename
                 , rownames_filename = rownames_filename)
# Perform transcriptome-informed post-hoc filtering
exprTranscriptsFile <- system.file("extdata"
                                   , "expressed_transcripts.txt"
                                   , package = "net4pg"
                                   , mustWork = TRUE)
protein2transcriptFile <- system.file("extdata"
                                        , "protein_to_transcript"
                                        , package = "net4pg"
                                        , mustWork = TRUE)
incM_filtered <- transcriptome_filter(incM
                         , exprTranscriptsFile = exprTranscriptsFile
                         , proteinToTranscriptFile = protein2transcriptFile
                         , tagContam = "Contam"
                         , remove = "all")